
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Story Eggs!

Since Trinity is 3 now, I wanted to start a kid-friendly tradition that explains the real meaning of Easter. I have seen "Resurrection Eggs" at the Bible Book Store so these are nothing new. However, they are new to me! :)

I decided to make my own and it has been a very enjoyable experience! I believe I got a lot out of this because I looked the scripture up myself, decided what parts of the story we would use, found the symbolic items to put in each egg, and did a little devotion with Trinity each day. It will make this Easter mean so much more to me...and hopefully to Trinity!

With our Easter Story Eggs, we started 12 days before Easter and opened 1 egg a day. Everyday we would open the previous eggs to review what we had learned and then open the new egg for the day. Each egg had a symbolic item and scripture verse(s) to read. I would spend a few minutes explaining that part of the story and we would also read the story in her "Read With Me Bible" that has pictures. She asked a lot of questions and really caught on to the story.

Here is a list of what visual aids and what Bible verses we had in each egg:
(Note: we did not read every scripture I list, but I added it in for your own information. We only read a couple of verses a day.)

Egg #1 - A Palm Branch
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches and laid their clothes on the road because that's what they did when a king would come by.
(Matt 21:1-11, Mark 11:8-9, Luke 19:28-44, & John 12:12-19)

Egg #2 - Perfume
Mary washed Jesus with fragrant oil to show her sincere and total devotion to the Lord. She broke the flask and poured it on His head and feet.
(Matt 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, & John 12:2-8)

Egg #3 - Crackers
Jesus shared the "Last Supper" with His disciples. He told them they should do this to remember Him. We took communion together, as well.
(Matt 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, & Luke 22:17-20)

Egg #4 - Jesus Praying
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He prayed that whatever God wanted to be done would be done.
(Matt 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46, & John 18:1)

Egg #5 - 3 Dimes
Judas was one of Jesus' disciples and he betrayed Him by showing the soldiers where Jesus was. They paid Judas money and arrested Jesus.
(Matt 26:14-16, 47-56, Mark 14:43-52, Luke 22:47-53, & John 18:2-12)

Egg #6 - Cross
Jesus was crucified on a cross. He died to save us from our sins. We also talked about what sin was.
(Matt 27:31, Mark 15:25, Luke 23:33, & John 19:17)

Egg #7 - The Crown of Thorns and a Nail
They put the crown of thorns on Jesus' head and nails in his hands and feet. Again, I reinforced that Jesus died to save us from our sins.
(Matt 27:29-30 & Mark 15:17-19)

Egg #8 - Sponge
While Jesus was on the cross they gave Him a drink with a sponge. He cried out to God and died.
(Matt 27:46-48, Mark 15:36-37, & John 19:28-30)

Egg #9 - Linen
After Jesus died, a man named Joseph wrapped him in linen and put him in a tomb.
 (Matt 27: 59-60, Mark 15:45-46, & John 19:40)

Egg #10 -  Spices
Some ladies went to anoint Jesus' body with spices.
(Mark 16:1, Luke 24:1, & John 19:40)

Egg #11 - Rock
An angel appeared and rolled the stone to the tomb away!
(Matt 28: 2-4, Mark 16: 1-4, Luke 24: 1-2, & John 20:1)

Egg # 12 - Empty!
The tomb is EMPTY! He has risen! Jesus is alive!
(Matt 28:5-7, Mark 16:5-7, Luke 24: 1-8, & John 20:4-9)

There are many other parts of the Easter story (and other scriptures from the Gospels) you could tie in with numerous little props. (Note: keep in mind that each visual aid should be small enough to fit inside an Easter egg.) 
Here are a few that we didn't use this year but may tie in next year:
~Burlap or die - the soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat
~ Soap or a small sample of a towel - washing feet
~Small cup - when Jesus prayed to take this cup away from Him
~Feather - rooster crowing
~Ropes - Jesus' arrest
~ Veil - When Jesus died
~Small Pillow - disciples sleeping instead of praying
~Purple material - King of the Jews

There are also many different ways you can do the Easter Story Eggs!
~Reword the description to be age appropriate for your child
~Have kids help make the Easter Story Eggs
~Have older kids look up and read the scripture passages
~Hide the eggs and have the kids find them
~Do this as a family activity the night before Easter

This has been a very fun and helpful learning tool for us! Trinity knows the true meaning behind Easter and when asked why we celebrate Easter she says "because Jesus is ALIVE!". She can tell you parts of the story that some adults don't even remember. I am so proud of her! This will be a yearly tradition from now on!

Have a Happy Easter! I'm so grateful that Jesus died for my sins and is ALIVE today!!!!

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