
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Recipe: Resurrection Buns!

I love doing fun little projects with my kids to help them learn...especially when it involves food! :)
I found this recipe online somewhere and it really turned out good! I'm thinking we're going to have to make these every year now.

~Biscuits, canned (the larger ones)
~Marshmallows (large)

1) Each child takes a large biscuit and flattens it until it's about 5 inches across.
(My Mom was up visiting so we did this project with her!)

2) Spread melted butter in and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on it. You can explain that the women went to anoint Jesus' body at the tomb with spices.

3) Add a marshmallow in the middle.
This represents Jesus. It's white because it stands for His purity and sinless life. Fold the sides up around it and explain that it's forming a tomb. Pinch the sides closed and place crease-side down on a baking sheet so they don't open up.

4) Add more melted butter, cinnamon and sugar on the tops of each biscuit.

5) Bake and follow the directions on the package. Make sure to give them plenty of time to cool because the middle will be very hot.

6) When the children bite into the buns, they will be amazed to find that the center is empty. The marshmallow has melted.
Explain how Jesus was not in the tomb because He rose and is ALIVE!

Trinity said, "Look Meme, there's not a middle!"

These Resurrection Buns were so good! They tasted like a cinnamon roll! It was easy, tasted great and we learned a lot from it!

I hope you can try these out with your family at Easter! Let me know what your kid's reactions are! :) 

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