
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two Things I've Learned Over 30 Years...

As my 30th birthday was approaching, I really thought I would dread the day and not enjoy getting another year older. However, I was surprised that when the day actually came, I enjoyed it more than any other birthday! Why, you ask?
Because I am old enough to see just how BLESSED I really am!

I mean seriously, look at the men in my life...aren't they handsome?!?!

And see my precious little girl...I just love her so much!

We spent the whole day doing what I wanted to do. I found it very interesting that I wanted to do activities that my family enjoyed doing...which made me have a blast!

We went out to eat (which we all like to do)...Dan LOVES his soda,

 rode a 2-story carousel four times,

 let Trinity ride some little rides at the mall,

 and went to 1 store for me to shop in...where I got a $7 new shirt! 

We ended the night with a movie at home and yummy death-by-chocolate cake that my Me-ma sent home with me the day before! (Thanks Me-ma...that's my FAVORITE!)

So, what have I learned in 30 years?
I have learned two very simple principles of
what is really important in life:
1.) My relationship with Jesus Christ
2.) My relationships with my family and friends

Some people would look at me and say that I'm still young and have a lot of life to live, while others would say I'm really getting "up there." It doesn't matter either way because I have lived through enough experiences that have changed me and made me stronger and better each step of the way.

I know I have discussed losing my Dad to cancer a few times on my blog, but it's a good way to heal by writing/talking about it. One of the biggest lessons I learned from that trial was this: when it came down to it and my Dad was laying on his death bed, he wasn't asking himself why he didn't work more, have a bigger house, have nicer vehicles, or dress in more expensive clothes. All that mattered at that time was his relationship with God and his relationships with his family and friends. That speaks VOLUMES to me...and I hope it does to you too. Life is too short and too precious to waste it!

Since then, I try to not dwell on what I don't have or trying to keep up with the Jones' chasing the American dream. I try to live my life for God and enjoy every moment I have with my family. I am so BLESSED in so many ways! I want to live a fun and happy life that is satisfying and full of joy! I want no regrets. I want to make those around me better because they know me. I want to make a difference in my children's life and raise them to know the Lord.

Matthew 6:20-21
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

So turning 30 was extremely insightful for me! It has inspired me to make the next 30+ even better!

What insights have you gained throughout your life?

1 comment:

  1. Accepting life as it comes with patience and understanding is much easier than fighting what you can't change and making it harder on not only you but those that love you.I never seen the point in making a fuss over something you know you cannot change.Makes much more sense to stand and face it than stand and complain.
