
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Unexpected Labor Day Fun

We didn't plan to do anything fun on Labor Day. I had actually found myself being a little irritated that all my facebook friends were out doing fun things with their family while I was sitting at home with the kids and Dan was working half a day.

The day before, we had discussed possibly going shopping in the afternoon to finally use up the rest of my Christmas gift cards (that's right, I still had 2 gift cards from Christmas), but nothing was set in stone.

The weather was BEAUTIFUL! There was a high of 74* with a nice breeze. I even opened up the windows for a while just to get some fresh air.

Once Dan got home, he was as anxious to go out and have fun as I was. We decided that since we hadn't eaten lunch yet we should go pick it up and take it to the park. Cheap, easy and fun!

First stop was McDonald' I said, cheap!
After we survived the very new, slow guy taking orders in the drive thru, we headed to the park.

Then, the Labor Day began!

We sat at a nice little picnic table by the playground to eat. Trinity was watching the kids playing the whole time and just couldn't wait to get on herself. She ate most of her lunch, but we let her finish early since she was so excited to play.

She loved climbing and sliding!

I was wondering if she would let us leave when it was time to go...

My boys in their matching polo shirts! Too cute!

Nehemiah even got to slide a few times. As you can see, he enjoyed himself too!

We stayed at the park a little over an hour and then went shopping as planned. The stores we went to had great Labor Day sales! Dan got 2 new shirts, Trinity got a couple of dresses and pants that she needed, and I even got 2 new shirts! I still have $15 on one of my gift cards too! Maybe I'll go back and find something for Nehemiah in a week or so...

Overall, it was an unexpected fun day!
We didn't spend much money or go anywhere fancy, but we just enjoyed being together and spending quality time with one another.

What fun things did you do on Labor Day?

1 comment:

  1. I wrapped up getting consignment sale items tagged and loaded in the truck! Then I went and worked it for about 3 hours while the kids got to go play at their cousins house. It was a nice break-away for us all, I think! We did not have good weather that day, though, it was cloudy and mostly rainy (POURING RAIN!). I am thankful for it, though, because of that rain, today we have the most beautiful day before us! Feels like Fall! Love you and thankful for being faithful to post! Have a blessed day, Christy!
