
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grant's Farm Stay-cation

Since Dan and I don't have a lot of extra money and/or free time, vacations just aren't a reality. We have technically only been on three vacations throughout our whole seven year marriage. The first one was our honeymoon and the next two were with my parents. They were all to Branson, MO! We just LOVE Branson!

We have also taken a few mission trips together, but they don't count as vacations because we were working the whole time and went with a big group of people. They were all great experiences though and I'm so glad I got to share them with Dan!

We have decided that since we can't really go on vacation, we are going to do some fun things around the Midwest area! These outings are known as "Stay-cations!" We don't have to pay for a hotel, travel far, or take time away from Dan's work. It's just PERFECT for us!

Stay-cation adventure this time was Grant's Farm!
Grant's Farm is a 281-acre farm named after our 18th President, Ulysses S. Grant, who founded and farmed a portion of it in the 1850's. There are more than 900 animals and over 100 different species. They have some fun interactive activities such as feeding the goats, an Elephant show, a Bird show, a Tram ride through the middle of wildlife at it's finest, a Carousel, and visiting the Clydesdale stables. It is a very small place compared to the Zoo, but it was a nice little afternoon trip for our little family.

We only spent $15.00 for the whole thing! $11.00 was for parking!!!! The other $4.00 was spent on the Carousel ride...Trinity wanted to ride it twice! :) All the shows were free and we weren't really there long enough to need anything to eat or drink...especially since we had eaten lunch right before we got there.

Here's a quick overview of our couple hour Stay-cation:

This Buffalo crossed in front of the Tram while we were riding it. We had to stop for him and then I took this nice shot of him as we were continuing our ride! I'm just such a wonderful photographer! :)

The first thing you see when you walk in is the area to feed the goats. They usually attack everyone so I told Dan I had no desire for Trinity to feed them. As we were admiring them from outside the fence, a nice lady came over and gave us a bottle that still had some milk in it. I was fine with her feeding them through the fence...she was a little shy with them anyway.

Next stop was the Elephant show! This was a really cute show!
As we were walking up to take our seats, I snapped a shot of the elephant going to the restroom! Oh my! It was crazy how much he reminded me of a fire hose!

We had to ride the Carousel...twice! Trinity LOVED this, which made me enjoy it too! :)

We also ran through the "mister,"

saw a Bird show,

met a camel and a couple of llamas,

then walked through the Clydesdale stable.

Overall, it was a fun afternoon and well worth $15.00!
You can check it out at


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