
Monday, March 21, 2011

Fun Filled Four Days...

Dan surprised me last week and took off work for four days in a row. (Actually, he only took 2 days off work, but it gave us four days in a row together.) He rarely takes off work so this was a treat!

I asked him what he wanted to do during his time off and he didn't really have any plans. We decided to just play everything by ear and see what we felt like doing each day.

Day #1 - We slept in! The kids even slept in! It was wonderful! I made a nice breakfast that included eggs, toast, and BACON...Dan's favorite. We took our time getting ready and went out for lunch. We just ran some errands later that afternoon. My Mom came up that evening so we went to dinner with her at Applebee's. The weather was amazing that day...we even opened up the windows and let some fresh air in.

Day #2 - Slept in AGAIN! Breakfast again...with BACON! We decided to do something fun on this day...the Butterfly House!
We took Trinity last year, but she was only a year old then. Now that she's two, it was so neat seeing her excitement! She was pretending to be a butterfly and it was so cute!
This was Nehemiah's first visit there and he was just adorable to watch. He would just glare at the butterflies flying all around. I think he enjoyed watching Trinity dance around too.
Dan and Trinity started feeding a couple of ducks while I was taking pictures of them. Some geese noticed we had food and started after us...SCARY! Those things are MEAN! I grabbed the stroller with our sweet baby boy and Dan picked up Trinity and we ran off the other way...quickly!
We also visited the playground next to the Butterfly House.
Trinity was having so much fun that Dan had to physically carry her part of the way back to the van so she wouldn't run off. Silly girl!
We ended the evening by going to the store, eating dinner at home, and then watching a movie.

Day #3 - You guessed it, we slept in again! Hey, you have to take advantage of it when you can! This day was supposed to be a day to work around the house. However, it didn't work out that way. I got a couple loads of laundry done, but that's about all the "work" that got done.

Dan started working on our computer...which has been worked on for the past 3 weeks. He got it all hooked up and then started to work on a video we wanted to show at church...the NEXT DAY! See, we were dedicating Nehemiah and I decided I wanted to video tape me reading my testimony of "The Meaning of Our Son's Name" and put it to pictures. I had already organized the pictures and had them saved on the computer, but Dan had to edit my voice, the music, and the pictures. Needless to say, we had a lot of trouble getting it to work. My father-in-law came over to help us get it going and then Dan stayed up until about 2am trying to get it finished. What a great husband I have!

Day #4 - Sunday...not only that, but the day we dedicated Nehemiah! We both got up early. I watched the finished video while eating my breakfast and even though I knew what it was going to be like, I cried! Once we got to church, our extended family was all there! We had the pleasure of dedicating our Son and publicly announcing that we will raise him in a christian home where he will learn about the Lord.
After church we went to lunch with our family. Mmmmm...Red Lobster! I usually only get that if someone else is paying!

Dan had a meeting at the church that afternoon, so I spent some time with the kids. I wanted to take a nap, but when Dan got home he crashed...I had to remind myself that he stayed up until 2am working on the video FOR ME! So, he got the nap and I watched the kids some more. We watched some TV and then realized that our four days had just ended. BUMMER!

Four days went by so quickly! At least we had some good quality time together for the most part!

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